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McClatchy DC reported on Monday that the FBI is probing Russian news outlets, RT and Sputnik News, as well as InfoWars and Breitbart, to determine whether the news sites played a role last year in a cyber operation that favored Donald Trump’s presidential run.

Imagine that, will you? Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama leave Washington quietly, after committing treasonous acts blatantly in the face of the American people, as they inspire Democrats to riot and batter Trump supporters; yet, James Comey believes he needs to look into conservative news sites to determine if they wrongly influenced the American people.

Barack Hussein Obama’s buddy, Louis Farrakhan had the audacity to fly into the US and launch a ranting-raving “kill white people” convention, from one end of the country to the other, AS WHITE POLICE OFFICERS WERE BEING THREATENED AND SHOT TO DEATH, during the presidential campaign; while Hillary Clinton’s foundation took hundreds of millions of dollars from Muslim terrorist nations...and James Comey doesn't care. Comey, however, is investigating the few TRUTH-TELLING NEWS AGENCIES in America for influencing the presidential election!

There is much more to tell about the many Obama-Clinton crimes, but this site has already published those stories for years and there isn’t enough space to cover it all here, but indulge yourself and visit the category: Destruction to the United States

The Word of God tells us,

“Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20.

"Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb" Psalms 37:1-2.

"Evildoers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth; for yet a little while and the wicked shall not be; yes, you will diligently consider his place and it shall not be" Psalms 37:9-10.

"The wicked plots against the just and gnashes upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him, for He sees that his day is coming" Psalms 37:12-13.

James Comey needs to find a more suitable job, perhaps digging through trashcans for an antique Howdy Doody doll. Barack Obama needs to return to his homeland, Kenya, and get out of the United States before he is arrested. Hillary Clinton should see an exorcist. Loretta Lynch should go pass the buck in another nation, perhaps Germany, where they can relate. John and Tony Podesta need to beat the life out of each other, instead of beating and terrifying defenseless little children (caution - violence/cursing - viewer discretion is strongly advised). James Alefontis needs a buzz and a seat in the electric chair, instead of high heels!

The epitome of evil (vulgarity redacted) - James Alefontis in drag with his boyfriend

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"I have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himself like a green bay tree; yet, he passed away and, lo, he was not; yes, I sought him, but he could not be found" Psalms 37:35-36.

(a little visual into the future of the wicked)

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.