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Judge Lisa Gorcyca of Oakland County, Michigan, sentenced Liam Tsimhoni 14, Nathalie Tsimhoni 9, and Rowie Tsimhoni 10, to juvenile detention for refusing to speak with their father, who the children say beat their mother.

Gorcyca taunted the children in court, as she sentenced them to be separated from their mother. She said Liam was “mentally messed up;” she warned the little girl that she would have to go to the bathroom in front of strangers; and she said they would remain jailed until they were 18!

These poor children are not only caught in the middle of a tragic divorce, but they have been ordered confined for not speaking to their allegedly abusive father by this ignorant judge. How pathetic and outrageous!

Liam Tsimhoni said he apologized, if he had broken any rules, but said he would not apologize for not talking to Omer (his father) “because I have a reason for that and that’s because he is violent and I saw him hit my mom and I’m not going to talk to him.”

The child said he saw his father hit his mother, so he doesn’t want to talk to him. It sounds to me like this young man is very intelligent and opposed to violence.

Gorcyca said Liam was “a defiant, contemptuous young man.” She said the boy’s father was “a great man who has gone through hoops for you, to have a relationship with you.”

Sure, Judge Gorcyca has actually lived in the same house with this family and she knows everything about them. She is absolutely certain that the children’s father hasn’t physically abused their mother and she knows first hand what a great guy this man is!

Wow, she is either omnipresent, or an idiot. I suspect the latter.

Gorcyca went on to say to the boy, “You’re supposed to have a high IQ, which I am doubting right now because of the way you act; you’re very defiant; you have no manners.” She also told him he was “mentally messed up.”

She continued to taunt the children by saying, “Do you like going to the bathroom in front of people?” She asked Nathalie, “Is your bed soft and comfortable?”

Gorcyca ordered that the three children be kept apart. That’s right. Not only were they separated from their mother, but the three children, one as young as 9, were ordered separated from each other. She further ordered that family members could not see them. How cruel and inhumane!

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Judge Lisa Gorcyca (on the left – appearing as though she has claws!)

Apparently, the father had no problem with the judge’s cruelty against his children. He made no objection to all of this in the courtroom. 

Thanks be to God, there has been such public outcry and protesting that this judge had no choice but to reverse her decision - after the children were already weeks in detention!

Her cruel remarks to these children, however, can never be reversed!

It will only be through God's divine protection if these children weren’t psychologically damaged by this beast on the bench. 

Rabbi Jason Miller from the local Jewish community told the Jewish Daily Forward it was “bizarre” that the children were being punished for their parents’ feud. He added that the community was in shock over the children’s treatment, reported The Times of Israel.

Hypothetical: If you are a Jew-hating judge, striking out at three children and their mother, among a family of five, isn’t a "bad strike" - 4/5. Albeit, if you can actually torment and taunt the three children to the point that they have even more disdain for their father than they had previously - bulls-eye, that’s 5/5, not to even mention the psychological attack waged against these children!

You haven’t seen anything yet, rabbi, if you continue living in Muslamibad (Michigan). You need to get out of there, while you can. 

Christians witnessing in Michigan have even been stoned by Muslims, then arrested by police for witnessing, while their attackers were ignored.  Muslims hate Jews just a little more than they hate Christians, and with the expansion of the Muslim community in Michigan, quite frankly, I wouldn’t live there.

“The wicked shall be cast into hell, and all the nations that forget God” Psalms 9:17. 

According to Bible prophecy, Jews and Christians will be hated of all nations in the latter days.

The Prophet Zechariah told Israel of their fate during the last days, but he also said the Lord would defend them:

“Behold, the Day of the Lord comes and your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you, for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished, and half of the city (Jerusalem) shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle” Zechariah 14:1-3.

Notice the prophet said “all nations” will gather against Jerusalem, meaning they will all hate Jews. 

Jesus also said to His disciples concerning the time of His return,

“Then shall they deliver you (Jewish Christians) up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake” Matthew 24:9.

There, you have it. According to Bible prophecy, all nations will hate Jews and Christians. The Bible also tells us that when the Jews are gathered back into Zion (rebirth of Israel in 1948) and they prosper in their land, the Lord will appear!

 “When the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory” Psalms 102:16.

We are living in that generation, friends!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.