Screen shot:
While covering PizzaGate, I have written about journalist David Seaman, who has also reported on PizzaGate, amidst being stigmatized by some of his colleagues, censored by Wikipedia and Huffington Post, and whose You Tube account has also been censored and demonetized.
The latest regarding Seaman is that he was locked out of his Pay
Pal account, not able to access his online donations from You Tube viewers.
Screen shots from David Seaman's You Tube video about his Pay Pal account being targeted
David Seaman is very popular on You Tube, so there was quite an onslaught of criticism against Pay Pal, and likely directly made to Pay Pal about the freezing of his assets, so his account was restored the following day.
Breaking: Just watching David in another window and realized he
is reporting that his Pay Pal account has been frozen again! He is currently
trying to get his cash assets unfrozen.
More screen shots from David Seaman's You Tube video about his Pay Pal account being targeted again on 1/3/17
This is a good example of Luciferian globalist targeting. As long as David Seaman continues reporting on the PizzaGate DC pedophiles, the problems will likely continue.
As I watched Seaman explain the censorship and discrimination he has suffered since he started covering PizzaGate, I couldn't help but remember the years of targeting, hacking and censorship I have experienced from 2011 to the present.
I have experienced the following:
- USPS has “lost” my mail and damaged and held packages for as long as 30 days.
- My systems have been crashed four times.
- Remote hacker(s) have infiltrated my systems.
- At least five email accounts have been hacked.
- I have been kicked off the DMV website; kicked out of the DMV phone system; my last DMV license renewal payment was cashed, but never acknowledged by DMV, even though it was sent by certified mail and I had a copy of the canceled payment. After renewing my driver’s license in person, making a double payment, because they still refused to acknowledge my payment when I displayed the certified mail receipt and a copy of the canceled check cashed by DMV, saying the payment must show up in their system! DMV refused to issue a refund of my double payment for an entire year, until my Assemblyman contacted DMV in my behalf!
- Access was blocked to my bank account online and by phone.
- An RFID chip was shot into my back, but I was able to retrieve it before it fully penetrated my skin.
- The News and Newsletter pages of two websites were blocked for nine days, after which time they were finally restored. (It is possible that readers also contacted the Yola server. If you did, thank you, God bless you!)
- I have been kicked out of You Tube.
There may be some issues I have forgotten over the last five years, but basically it has been one hack/crash/targeting after another. There seems to be a lot of Liberal-Progressive-Luciferian hacks in the world today, so folks will suffer for truth and for the name of Christ, until the Lord returns.
The Word of God tells us,
“...with all deceivableness and unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved; and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
Jesus said,
“You shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake, but he that endures to the end shall be saved” Matthew 10:22.
Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Censorship
Tags: "pay pal targeting" "dmv targeting" "usps targeting"