Police State Extreme with the Use of Drones - Obama is Watching You
Posted by L A on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Under: Socialist America
Part of the nasty National Defense Authorization Act, which Obama signed into law on New Year's Eve (as not many were noticing), giving him the dictatorial authority to arrest and detain US citizens indefinitely without a trial, also established sites where unmanned planes could fly through civilian air space. Obama signed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act in February, demanding that the FAA integrate drones into national airspace.
Representatives Ed Markey and Joe Barton wrote a letter to Michael Huerta, FAA acting commissioner, of their concerns about the flight patterns of drones in civilian air space. "The potential for invasive surveillance of daily activities with drone technology is high," Markey said.
Conservative Action Alerts were spread through email to warn American citizens that Obama was launching drones into domestic skies as part of his "terrorism surveillance and intelligence operations." In part, the CAA statement read: "So, while you are putting burgers on the grill...while your kids are playing outside...while you walk your dog, go window shopping, sit outside at a cafe having lunch...the eyes of the US government will be upon you.
Jennifer Lynch, EFF staff attorney, remarked that drones "could be revealing deeply personal details about American citizens. Drones give the government and other unmanned aircraft operators a powerful new surveillance tool to gather extensive and intrusive data on Americans' movements and activities."
Those of you who stop by this site now and then to see what the "paranoid" viewpoint is today, might consider pausing a few moments to reflect upon the reality of the situation. The Georgia Guidestones written in granite demonstrate the elitists' desire to eliminate all but about five-sixths of the population, all but 500,000,000 to be exact; there are FEMA camps set up throughout the US - just waiting to be inhabited - by whom do you suppose?; there are millions of portable coffins stored on US soil, to name a few alarming subjects of concern. Then you have a rogue president, who has no regard for the US Constitution and blatantly says, "It should be rewritten;" who also has no reservation signing bills into law, which give him executive dictatorial powers, such as to arrest and detain US citizens indefinitely without a trial!
Now, you can harp "paranoid" all you like, but these goings on aren't normal for the United States, maybe a third-world, dictatorial, Communist regime, whose thug dictator kills citizens at will, maybe for just speaking out against their tyrannical leader, but never, NEVER before have we seen such radical moves by a president, and it is progressing to the point of no return.
This information should stir the hearts and minds of agnostics. I don't really need any of this information to gain my attention, because there are too many other last days Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled, which cause me to know that we are living in the "last generation." The state of Israel, and the enemies surrounding him, are sign enough for me to know that the Lord's return is very near, according to Ezekiel 38, as well as other similar prophecies written thousands of years ago.
According to the Bible, you are also going to be subject to a world dictator, who will demand your worship and who will track your every move: "He (the false prophet) exercised all the power of the first beast (the Antichrist) before him, and caused the earth, those who dwell in it, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed" Revelation 13:12. "He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, except he who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six-hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18. A prelude to this "mark" in order to buy and sell, is represented in the microchip to be implemented by 2017 with "Obamacare." If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior and you aren't prepared to escape the great tribulation period ahead of us, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God bless you.
Representatives Ed Markey and Joe Barton wrote a letter to Michael Huerta, FAA acting commissioner, of their concerns about the flight patterns of drones in civilian air space. "The potential for invasive surveillance of daily activities with drone technology is high," Markey said.
Conservative Action Alerts were spread through email to warn American citizens that Obama was launching drones into domestic skies as part of his "terrorism surveillance and intelligence operations." In part, the CAA statement read: "So, while you are putting burgers on the grill...while your kids are playing outside...while you walk your dog, go window shopping, sit outside at a cafe having lunch...the eyes of the US government will be upon you.
Jennifer Lynch, EFF staff attorney, remarked that drones "could be revealing deeply personal details about American citizens. Drones give the government and other unmanned aircraft operators a powerful new surveillance tool to gather extensive and intrusive data on Americans' movements and activities."
Those of you who stop by this site now and then to see what the "paranoid" viewpoint is today, might consider pausing a few moments to reflect upon the reality of the situation. The Georgia Guidestones written in granite demonstrate the elitists' desire to eliminate all but about five-sixths of the population, all but 500,000,000 to be exact; there are FEMA camps set up throughout the US - just waiting to be inhabited - by whom do you suppose?; there are millions of portable coffins stored on US soil, to name a few alarming subjects of concern. Then you have a rogue president, who has no regard for the US Constitution and blatantly says, "It should be rewritten;" who also has no reservation signing bills into law, which give him executive dictatorial powers, such as to arrest and detain US citizens indefinitely without a trial!
Now, you can harp "paranoid" all you like, but these goings on aren't normal for the United States, maybe a third-world, dictatorial, Communist regime, whose thug dictator kills citizens at will, maybe for just speaking out against their tyrannical leader, but never, NEVER before have we seen such radical moves by a president, and it is progressing to the point of no return.
This information should stir the hearts and minds of agnostics. I don't really need any of this information to gain my attention, because there are too many other last days Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled, which cause me to know that we are living in the "last generation." The state of Israel, and the enemies surrounding him, are sign enough for me to know that the Lord's return is very near, according to Ezekiel 38, as well as other similar prophecies written thousands of years ago.
According to the Bible, you are also going to be subject to a world dictator, who will demand your worship and who will track your every move: "He (the false prophet) exercised all the power of the first beast (the Antichrist) before him, and caused the earth, those who dwell in it, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed" Revelation 13:12. "He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, except he who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six-hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18. A prelude to this "mark" in order to buy and sell, is represented in the microchip to be implemented by 2017 with "Obamacare." If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior and you aren't prepared to escape the great tribulation period ahead of us, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God bless you.
In : Socialist America
Tags: "us police state" "obama spy drones" "socialist america"