Christina with her mother and father


Three years ago, a three-year-old Iraqi Christian girl was taken from her parents by ISIS. Her father wasn’t present, but she was abducted from her mother, Aida Nuh. I remember her saying how she begged them, bowing to the ground, to give her little girl back, but the terrorists threatened to shoot her, if she didn’t leave.

I remember Aida Nuh crying in desperation, as she told Christian missionaries what happened. It broke my heart, because I remember my son at age three and I wouldn’t have been able to stand it, if he had been taken by terrorists.

I asked for prayer at church for the return of this little girl to her family, and I placed them on my Daily Prayer list.

I remember day after day crying out to the Lord for this little girl and her family, telling the Lord that nothing was impossible for Him and that I was believing Him to send her back to her parents.

I also reminded the Lord frequently, as I cried out to Him, that the little girl’s mother said that they took her little girl, “but Jesus can bring her back!”

I reminded the Lord of that mother’s faith in Him, and how she proclaimed openly that “Jesus can bring her back,” and I told the Lord I was believing with her mother for her little girl’s return!

Jesus said,

“I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven (we must pray according to how God wants us to pray)” Matthew 18:19.

I have also prayed at different times during these past few years that the Lord would allow me to hear of this child’s return to her parents.

Every so often, I searched the internet for the return of the little girl to her Christian parents, but I never found anything about them, until today.

Today, Sunday, as I was researching the news, I visited, the website of a former PLO terrorist from Bethlehem, converted to Christianity. Walid Shoebat’s site is a good source for Middle Eastern news (he has connections there) and I was looking for news about Syria.

As I searched a few articles, I suddenly came across an article titled, Six-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped By ISIS Found and Reunited with Her Family. I then recognized the mother of the little girl, and I saw for the first time her daughter, Christina, whom I had prayed for these three years.

The prayer request is still written at the top right corner of my Daily Prayer List.

(prayer request circled at top right)

Please pray for the Nuh family. They are refugees in their war-torn country, so please pray for their strength and that their needs will be met.

I have hundreds of names written on different tablets that have accumulated over the years and I only remove a name on occasion, when the prayer request has been answered. This stack of prayer requests remains on my (make-shift) altar and, since I don’t have time to call out all the names every day, I pray for those that God leads me to pray for each day, then I lay my hands on all of the prayer requests and ask God collectively to meet all of the needs. (I pray for each request individually when I place it on the prayer list, and after that, as the Lord leads.)

I can tell you that I have cried out many, many times to God over these last few years for the return of this little girl, and for her family, and I am certain others have prayed.

I don't say these things to boast about my prayer life. I am sharing this information as a testimony to those whose faith might be weak, and who may not really know how to pray. I say these things to build up your faith.

"You, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost (tongues - the gift of God freely given to those who ask for it)" Jude 1:20.

These Christian parents never gave up looking for their little girl and they searched cities for her, asking about her. After three years, they received a call from someone to let them know that Christina had been found in Hayy Al Tanak, in the City of Mosul. (As a result of the US-backed military offensive, Mosul has been liberated from Islamic State [ISIS] terrorists.)

Glory to God! I praise and magnify His great and holy name forever!

Over the years, I have learned this much, friends, we are not to limit what God can do!

I have also learned that God allows our faith to be tried at times and sometimes, actually many times, the answers do not come right away, but that does not mean God said no to our request, and that does not mean that He will not answer in His own time. In fact, if we hold on to faith and do not give up, and we remain faithful to the Lord, He will answer our prayers, He promised!

The Word of God tells us,

“...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16.

“Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord” James 1:6 -7.

"He shall call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him" Psalms 91:15.

We must remain steadfast and immovable in our faith, saints, in order to see our prayers answered. God is faithful!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.