Photo of Jesus's face on the Shroud of Turin.
As I was studying the Bible this morning, I was intrigued when I began reading Job chapter 9, as Job described the infamous bright north star Arcturus and the constellations Orion and Pleiades.  I have read the book of Job before, but today, his statements about the stars fascinated me.  I wondered how he had come to know about the stars and constellations thousands of years ago.  The book of Job is said to be the oldest book in the Bible. 

The Bible tells us in Genesis 5:22 that Enoch walked with God.  He was obviously God's friend, for in Genesis 5:24, the Bible says, "Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him."  Enoch was one of only two righteous men who ever escaped death.  He and Elijah walked with God so closely, so righteously before Him, that God took them straight up to heaven, surpassing death. 

If Enoch walked with God, does it not stand to reason that God chatted with him, sharing information with him, which was passed from generation to generation? 

If you can't seem to come to grips with the fact that you have an eternal soul living within you, have you ever thought about how finely tuned the earth's atmosphere is in order to support life?  Have you ever considered the fact that, among the multitudes of planets traveling throughout space that cannot support life, how our lives here on earth are so incredibly impossible, considering the odds, without a divine Creator? 

Think about it.  Can you conceive of the fact that the heavens never end?  If you could travel in a straight line for a trillion years into space, there would be trillions of more years to travel, because heaven does not end.  Can you conceive of eternity?  Heaven is eternal.  God is a magnificent, mighty God, but you are special to Him.  He created you, He loves you and He made a way of Salvation for you.

Just as the heavens are eternal, we have a Creator and our bodies contain an eternal soul.  "The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" Genesis 2:7.  Each one of us has the breath of God in us and that breath in us is the "living soul" which came from God. 

Consider Job, who suffered miserably, stricken with boils from head to toe, but in all his misery, the ancient man of God said this, "After my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh, I will see God" Job 19:26.  How did Job know this?  The Word of God, spoken by God to the ancients, spoken through angels, spoken through Jesus Christ and the apostles, has always been with us, since before the world was created and it still exists today.  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth" John 1:1,14.

After Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world, the apostle Paul wrote, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we will be changed" 1 Corinthians 15:52.  Throughout thousands of years, in Old and New Testament writings, the men of God have all said the same thing.  Our bodies, which eventually die, will be changed "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," and we will be raised from dead, just as Jesus rose from the dead.  Paul goes on to say, "...for this corruptible (body) must put on incorruption, and this mortal (body) must put on immortality" 1 Corinthians 15:53.  We are compared to seeds, which die, then after they are planted, they become living plants (Luke 4).

Just as the heavens are eternal - grasp that thought - eternal - our bodies will be changed into eternal bodies.  About 500 people witnessed the fact that Jesus rose from the grave (1 Corinthians 15:6).  Today, we even have Jesus's image, seared onto His burial cloth during the resurrection, the Shroud of Turin, which shows His very wounds, blood stains at his feet, hands and on his head, where the crown of thorns was placed, all the marks of the flogging and crucifixion! 

If people refuse to believe and receive the gift of the Saviors death, payment for our sins, those people will die in their sins and never enter heaven.  The worst part is, not only do they not enter heaven to dwell with our Lord and Savior and many loved ones; but those who reject Christ, end up in hell with satan and the fallen angels (Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:15).  You won't hear Joel Osteen talk about that, because he wants to keep his approximately 40K members, but it's true just the same.  The Bible says it is true.  We will live for eternity in one place, or the other.   

When Jesus ascended into heaven, right before the eyes of the apostles, two angels that were present told them, "Why do you stand here gazing up into heaven?  This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same manner as you have seen Him go into heaven" Acts 1:11.  This event wasn't just seen by one man, or even a few, the disciples were there, beside the approximately 500 people who saw Jesus after He was raised from the dead.  The Old and New Testaments are consistent and these books were written by many men of God and their testimonies are true.

Colton Burpo can tell you that heaven and Jesus are for real; he's been there and has seen them!  Go to and search for "Colton Burpo."  His testimony is astonishing and true!

The Bible has withstood the ages.  Many people have tried to destroy it, but no one can.  There have been attempts to destroy and burn the Shroud of Turin - it carries the burn marks - as well as the clear image of Jesus and His wounds after thousands of years, but they can't destroy it either! 

If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page today; tomorrow could be too late.  God bless you.