Pelosi seems to have something going on with her mouth - consistently
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While speaking at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for the third time, referred to the current president as George Bush. She said, “For decades I’ve served in Congress and for decades I’ve had to fight the Republicans’ opposition to birth control, contraception and family planning. They don’t believe in it, and a lot of those people voted for George...for, what’s his name...?”
The audience broke out in laughter just watching her mess up and wave her hands all over the place, as she struggled to articulate complete sentences and even remember who the current president is! Perhaps they keep inviting her to get a good laugh.
One could almost feel sorry for Pelosi, except for the fact that she refuses to step down, costing taxpayers her six-figure salary every year, as she does nothing for the American people in exchange. Another good reason not to feel sorry for Pelosi is that she is ruthless when it comes to the slaughter of the unborn – and the born! Which is all the more disgusting as news sources recently reported Planned Parenthood doctors joking about decapitating the heads of babies, how their eyeballs fall out, etc!
Next we have Representative Maxine Waters ranting everywhere about President Donald Trump “wrapping his arms around Putin,” although she doesn’t have any evidence to back up those statements; but she knows it’s true!
Waters opens her mouth very wide as she talks, maybe so she can stick her big foot in it every time she opens her mouth.Waters seems to have something going on with her mouth too!
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Again, we see Senator Elizabeth Warren taking on a bewildered appearance, as she is asked to provide detailed answers to questions about how hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Representative Jason Chaffetz simply asked her about the details of her agency’s spending, which do not appear on the bureau’s website, or in their report to the Appropriations Committee. She appeared astonished that he would ask such questions and consistently provided evasive answers.
Warren was also kicked off the House floor recently for bashing then Senator Jeff Sessions, who is now the US Attorney General. She was told to stop and leave the podium!