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Capitol Police have investigated close to 1,000 threats against members of the House during the first half of this year, which is already more than the 902 threats received last year.

The Luciferian-Liberal-Lunatics (LLLs) seem to be panicking...

Historical accounts tells us the Ammonites sacrificed their children on the idol Molech, by placing them on the extended arms of the idol, while kindling a ferocious fire in the belly of it, to incinerate their children alive, as a sacrifice.

As atrocious and horrific as this is, just thinking about it, people did this in mass among the Ammonites, and they also persuaded Israelites to do the same! That demonstrates the power of the spiritual wickedness working within the Ammonites.

The Word of God tells us,

“Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners” 1 Corinthians 15:33.

Some have stated that the worship/practice has never stopped, and there are those who sacrifice children to Molech to this day.

I actually heard a psychiatrist’s account of children who were rescued from Luciferians, who told her that they witnessed other children being hung by their feet, fires being set underneath them and they were burned up alive. The source is reputable. She said little children have no reason to make this stuff up, and their testimonies are consistent.

It is incomprehensible to think that there are people who would do such things, but other evidence has also been uncovered which seems to prove this evil continues.

Last year, former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was sentenced to only 15 months in prison for molesting boys he coached. Chicago’s Federal District Court Judge Thomas M Durkin told Hastert he was a “serial child molester,” yet still only sentenced him to 15 months.

Wikileaks released emails from Stratfor employees referring to Obama’s “Hot Dog Friday,” and one wrote,

“Obama spent $65,000 worth of the taxpayers’ money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago." (FBI confirms pizza and hot dogs are code words among pedophiles for girls and boys.)

This message really shouts: “Obama is flying in $65,000 worth of little girls/boys from Gangland Chicago!”

Wikileaks also released an email from Hillary to Huma Abadin, wherein she stated,

“I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch (sic).” (FBI confirms that “chicken” can allude to a “little boy” among pedophiles.)

Why Molech? Even if Hillary tried to say it was a joke, who in hades would joke about something as evil and despicable as a child sacrifice to Molech?

In this instance, let's just say if it looks like a witch, acts like a witch and talks like a witch, it likely is a witch!

I could write all night about this stuff and still not conclude, because there is so much fecal matter emanating from these people in Washington, it is sickening, disgusting and can lead to a never-ending report.

My point here is that our eyes have never seen such threats of violence, or actual violence perpetrated by one political party (Democrats) against another (Republicans), at least in modern history. Why do you suppose that is?

I believe there could be an underlying reason why so many Luciferian Liberal Lunatics (LLLs) are beyond mad, in addition to the fact that we are living in the last days, a very evil dispensation of time, according to Bible prophecy. 

I believe they feel the very real and looming threat of soon being busted and not having access to children, now that Obama and Biden are out.

Inside sources say that President Trump is aware of Pizzagate and he is working with the FBI to bring down pedophiles and child traffickers, a lot of them working in the higher echelons of government, Senators and Congressmen, mostly Liberal Democrats.

Headlines also read that Democrats are formulating a bill to remove President Trump for “mental instability.”

That's how very desperate they are.

They never opposed Obama’s treason though, because Obama is one of them:

Joe Biden's tweet sentiments to Obama on his birthday, a child's bracelet with a PIZZA charm on it! Why would a grown man give another grown man a child's bracelet with a PIZZA charm on it, and believe it to be acceptable by the other man?

This isn't hard to figure out, is it?

They have actually gotten away with their crimes for so long, they don't have a problem demonstrating what they are openly!

President Trump intends to take them down, and that's what they are raging mad about. Liberals who are not pedophiles are ranting right behind them, because the spiritual battle is simply in the atmosphere.

The Word of God tells us,

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12.

The problem in America today is that we don’t kill the devils that commit such evil, so they flourish and abound in the land.

President Trump needs to advance a death penalty against those who molest and kill children.

Some might say the perpetrators could repent. Romans 1 lays out the process for descending to the state of having a reprobate mind, not redeemable. Those who commit such evil against children have descended to that level, many times overriding their conscience, which is then seared (1 Timothy 4:1-3).

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.