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Excerpts taken from WND.
The United Nations has issued a statement reporting that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the current Ebola outbreak is the worst ever.
Eleven Health Ministers from various nations began a two-day emergency meeting in Ghana on Wednesday to discuss their concerns over an uncontrolled pandemic.
The outbreak has been traced to cases having occurred in March 2014, which spread throughout Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, causing the deaths of 455 people among 750 afflicted.
Ebola is highly contagious and kills rapidly. The disease causes internal and external bleeding and vital organs deteriorate quickly.
Dr. William Fisher, from the United States, who is treating patients in West Guinea, wrote home on June 2nd to report that he admitted a patient on May 30th. He found the patient on the floor of the clinic amidst bloody emesis and diarrhea. He said by the time he picked up the patient, bathed him and placed him back in bed, he died. He said the patient’s sister will likely “die in the next hour. The despair is suffocating.”
Ebola can cause death in only a few days after the symptoms appear. Transmission is caused by handling the organs or excrement of infected animals, which can then spread from person to person through bodily fluids.
Health officials are concerned about the possibility of a pandemic because of air travel and the deadly disease rapidly spreading internationally.
Jesus said concerning the signs of His return,
“Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places” Matthew 24:7.
There are 11 ongoing wars throughout the world and Muslims are the cause in all but two of them, thus we have “nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom.” According to statistics a few years ago, 925 million people suffered hunger throughout the world. Despite the propagandized media’s lack of coverage, people are starving all over the world, especially in Asia and the Pacific, more so than in Africa! We aren’t even allowed to know how many Americans are going hungry in tent cities throughout the US. We have to search conservative websites for leaked truth and information, which is being withheld from the American people. We aren’t given accurate unemployment rates today, but according to the DrudgeReport.com this morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows more than 92 million are unemployed throughout America alone. We aren’t supposed to know it, but people are hungry all over the world, even in the United States!
The media consistently publishes reports of swine and avian flu
outbreaks throughout the world, the Nile virus, which is even afflicting us in
America, virulent venereal diseases (about 19 million new cases per year,
according to the CDC) and now fears of a devastating Ebola pandemic.
You only need to visit this page occasionally to see the unprecedented major to great earthquake statistics, more than one 6.0 - 8.0+ magnitude earthquake every two days on average in the last 17 months.
A person has to be spiritually blind not to see the fulfillment of Matthew 24, and that we are living in the very last days.
Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away and there is no time to lose. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Pestilences
Tags: "ebola outbreak" "ebola pandemic"